quinta-feira, outubro 30, 2003

:: Micão ::

Apagão em Florianópolis mostra vulnerabilidade das redes das teles
29/10/2003, 21h48

A Futurecom, que se realiza esta semana em Florianópolis, foi surpreendida pela pane elétrica no início da tarde que causou o apagão em toda a ilha catarinense onde está localizada a capital e o centro de exposições. Algumas operadoras de telecomunicações que serviam a ilha saíram do ar. A Vivo foi a primeira a enfrentar problema com a sua rede. A TIM, até às 20:00, ainda funcionava. A Brasil Telecom, especulava-se, poderia ter problemas em algumas centrais, mas suas operações estavam normais até o fechamento desta edição.

Até que ponto as operadoras brasileiras estão preparadas para situações emergenciais como a que afetou Florianópolis? Na capital catarinense, toda a pane foi causada por um bujão de gás que explodiu junto aos cabos elétricos que abastessem a ilha.

Só vou dizer uma coisa: BEM FEITO, RÁÁÁ!!!


terça-feira, outubro 28, 2003

:: Mr. Anderson... ::

:: Seraph ruleZ ::


sexta-feira, outubro 17, 2003

:: Eu vi e recomendo ::

Este é um filme do gênero animação/musical, realizado por Kazuhisa Takenouchi, e que passou por aqui no Festival do Rio de 2003.

E qual é a história? Quatro músicos de uma galáxia distante são raptados por um empresário ganancioso, que os quer transformar no maior grupo musical do planeta Terra.

O resultado não poderia ser melhor!!! Este é um fantástico filme de animação musical, criado pelo grupo francês de música house Daft Punk e pelo grande artista Leiji Matsumoto.

Só para ter uma ideia, como prémios e nomeações, podemos para já dizer que ganhou um na Quinzena dos Realizadores - Seleção Oficial do Festival de Cannes 2003.

Se você é um fã de Anime, de aventuras de ficção científica e de música "house", este é um filme que não pode perder de forma alguma.

Se nem por isso gosta muito deste género de animação, vai ver mesmo assim, pois a história por si só já vale a pena!!!

Um detalhe: os trintões, que como eu ficaram órfãos da Patrulha Estelar (aliás, do mesmo Matsumoto), irão desconfiar de cara que, na verdade, os caras do Daft Punk queriam mesmo era fazer uma historinha COM A PRÓPRIA PATRULHA ESTELAR.

Por que? Ora, alienígenas azuis, a saudação do punho fechado sobre o peito e um casal de protagonistas iguais ao Whitestar e a Lola denunciam fortemente quais foram as verdadeiras intenções da banda.

Outro detalhe: ver a banda do anime tocando instrumentos que não tem nada a ver com a música é simplesmente surreal!

Assistam se tiverem a chance. E tirem suas próprias conclusões!

:: Fique esperto ::

:: Revoltante ::

Globalização extingue marcas brasileiras: "Uma nova leva de produtos e marcas vai desaparecer das gôndolas nos próximos dias. Os tradicionalíssimos biscoitos São Luiz; mostarda, catchup e maionese Cica e goma de mascar Ploc estão sendo, discretamente, retirados dos supermercados. A idéia das multinacionais que promovem o enxugamento de suas marcas é que os consumidores - mesmo os mais fiéis - vão substituí-los nas listas de compras por biscoitos Nestlé; mostarda, catchup e maionese Hellmann's e chicletes Ping Pong."


sexta-feira, outubro 10, 2003

:: Take what you want, Give nothing back!!! ::

Lyrics by Xavier Atencio and music by George Bruns

Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.
We pillage, we plunder, we rifle, and loot,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
We kidnap and ravage and don't give a hoot,
Drink up me 'earties, yo ho.

Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.
We extort, we pilfer, we filch, and sack,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
Maraud and embezzle, and even high-jack,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.

Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.
We kindle and char, inflame and ignite,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
We burn up the city, we're really a fright,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.

We're rascals, scoundrels, villans, and knaves,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
We're devils and black sheep, really bad eggs,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.

Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.
We're beggars and blighters, ne'er-do-well cads,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.
Aye, but we're loved by our mommies and dads,
Drink up, me 'earties, yo ho.

:: Welcome to the Caribbean, love! ::

[Splashes him with water]
Mr. Gibbs: I'm awake already!
Will Turner: I know, that was for the smell.

Jack Sparrow: Do you think this wise, boy? Crossing blades with a pirate?
Will Turner: You threatened Miss Swan.
Jack Sparrow: Only a little.

Jack Sparrow: No survivors, huh? Then who tells the stories?

Barbossa: Thank you, Jack.
Jack Sparrow: You're welcome.
Barbossa: Oh, not you. We named the monkey Jack

Jack Sparrow: Do us a favor...I know it's hard...but stay here, and try not to do anything...stupid

Jack Sparrow: no good! no good! what're you doing?! you've burned the food... the supplies... the rum!"
Elizabeth Swann: Yes, the rum's gone.
Jack Sparrow: But why's the rum gone?
Elizabeth Swann : First, because it is a vilont drink that turns even the most respectable men into vile scoundrels. Second and more importantly, those smoke signals are over a thousand feet high. The entire Royal Navy is out looking for me, do you think that there is even the slightest chance that they wont see it?
Jack Sparrow: but....Why's the rum gone

Anamaria has just slapped Jack]
Will Turner: Let me guess, you didn't deserve that.
Jack Sparrow: No, I'd say I deserved that

Barbossa: I don't trust your word.
Jack Sparrow: Yes, well, out of the two of us I'm the only one who hasn't committed mutiny, so it will be my word that we'll be trusting

Elizabeth: How often must I ask you to call me Elizabeth?
Will Turner: Once more Miss Swann, as always

Jack Sparrow: Stop blowing holes in my ship!

Mullroy: What exactly are you doing here Mr. Smith, and no lies!
Jack Sparrow: Well I intend to commander this ship, hire a crew in Tortuga then proceed to rape pillage and plunder me weasley black guts out.
Mullroy: I said no lies!

[to Will Turner]
Jack Sparrow: You're not a eunuch are you?

Will Turner: We're going to steal that ship?
Jack Sparrow: Commandeer! We're going to commandeer that ship. Nautical term.

Jack Sparrow: Scarlet!
[She slaps him]
Jack Sparrow: I don't think I deserved that.
[A blond woman approaches]
Jack Sparrow: Giselle!
Giselle: Who was she?!
[She slaps him]
Jack Sparrow: I may have deserved that

Norrington: You forget your place!
Will Turner: It's right here, between you and Jack

Will Turner: I am not obsessed with treasure!
Jack Sparrow: Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate

Will Turner: In a fair fight, I would've killed you!
[After Turner gets hit with the swinging mast and is dangling over the ocean]
Jack Sparrow: That's hardly an incentive for me to fight fair, now, is it?

[Sparrow is reviewing his new crew and comes across Cotton.]
Jack Sparrow: You, sailor!
Mr. Gibbs: Cotton, sir.
Jack Sparrow: Mr. Cotton. Do you have the courage and fortitude to follow orders and stay true in the face of danger and almost certain death?
Jack Sparrow: Mr. Cotton! Answer, man!
Mr. Gibbs : He's a mute, sir. We reckon he's had his tongue cut out, so he's trained the parrot to talk for him. We haven't yet figured out how...
Jack Sparrow: Mr. Cotton's... parrot. Same question.
Parrot: (squawk) Wind in the sail! Wind in the sail!
Mr. Gibbs: Mostly, we fear, that means 'yes.'

Jack Sparrow: Take what you want...
Mr. Gibbs: Give nothing back!

Will Turner: Elizabeth, I should have told you every day from the moment I met you... I love you

Cursed Pirate 1: Is it supposed to be doing that?
[pointing to the Black Pearl which is sailing away]
Cursed Pirate 2: They're stealing our ship!
Cursed Pirate 1: Bloody Pirates!

Jack Sparrow: Now, give me that horizon...
Jack Sparrow: And really bad eggs... Drink up me 'arties yo ho!

Jack Sparrow: [to Will Turner] As long as you're just hanging there, you might as well pay attention

Will Turner: You fight like a dairy farmer!
Jack Sparrow: How appropriate, you fight like a cow!!

Elizabeth Swann: Capt. Barbossa, I am here to discuss the secession of hostilities toward Port Royal.
Barbossa: Those are a lot of big words. We're not but humble pirates. What do you want?
Elizabeth Swann: I want you to leave and never return.
Barbossa: Well, I'm afraid I'm disinclined to acquiesce your request. Means "no."

Elizabeth: Which side is Jack on?
Will Turner: You mean at the moment?

Jack Sparrow : Move away!
Will Turner: No!
Jack Sparrow : Please move?!
Will Turner : No! I cannot just step aside and let you escape!
Jack Sparrow :This shot was not meant for you.

Jack Sparrow : What's your name?
Will Turner : Will Turner.
Jack Sparrow : That would be short for William, I imagine. Good strong name, no doubt named for your father ay?
Will Turner: Yes.
Jack Sparrow : Well Mr. Turner, I've changed me mind. If you spring me from this cell, I swear on pain of death, I shall take you to the Black Pearl and your bonnie lass. Do we have an accord?
[puts out his hand]
Will Turner : Agreed.
[they shake hands]

Barbossa :How did you get off that island?
Jack Sparrow : When you marooned me on that god forsaken spit of land, you forgot one very important thing, mate: I'm Captain Jack Sparrow.

Jack Sparrow : [looking at all the swords] Who makes all these?
Will Turner : I do! And I practice with them three hours a day!
Jack Sparrow : You need to find yourself a girl mate. Or perhaps the reason you practice three hours a day is that you already found one, and are otherwise incapable of wooing said strumpet. You're not a eunuch are you?
Will Turner : I practice three hours a day, so when I meet a pirate, I can kill it!

Elizabeth Swann : You're despicable!
Jack Sparrow : Sticks and stones, love. I saved your life, you saved mine. We're square.

Mr. Gibbs : It's bad luck to wake a man when he's sleeping!
Jack Sparrow : "Fortunately, I know how to counter it; the man who does the waking buys a drink for the man who was sleeping, then the man who was sleeping drinks the drink while listening to a proposition from a man who did the waking.
Mr. Gibbs: I'll about do it!
[Will throws more water on Mr. Gibbs]
Mr. Gibbs : Blast I'm already awake!
Will Turner : That was for the smell.

Norrington : No additional shot nor powder, a compass that doesn't point north,
[looks at Jack's sword]
Norrington : and I half expected it to be made of wood. You are without a doubt the worst pirate I've ever heard of.
Jack Sparrow : But you have heard of me.

[to Elizabeth]
Jack Sparrow: Where's the medallion?!
[grabs her wrist]
Jack Sparrow : Ah, where's dear William?
Elizabeth Swann : Will!
Will Turner : Elizabeth!
Jack Sparrow : Monkey!

Jack Sparrow: You seem somewhat familiar. Have I threatened you before?
Will Turner : I make a point of avoiding familiarity with pirates.

Barbossa : But that still leaves us with the problem of me standing on some beach with naught but a name and your word it's the one I need.
Jack Sparrow : Of the two of us, I'm the only one who hasn't committed mutiny, therefore my word is the one we'll be trusting.

Will Turner : This is either madness... or brilliance.
Jack Sparrow : It's remarkable how often those two traits coincide.

Norrington : Mr. Sparrow, you will accompany these men to the helm where you will give them directions to Isle de Muerta. And for the remainder of the voyage I want you to consider every possible meaning of the words, "Silent as the grave." Do I make myself clear?
Jack Sparrow : Inescapably clear.

Jack Sparrow : [Imitating Elizabeth] "It must have been terrible for you, Jack. Must have been terrible." Well, it bloody well is now!
[Seeing Norrington's ship off shore]
Jack Sparrow : There'll be no living with her after this.

Will Turner : She goes free!
Barbossa : What's in your head, boy?
Will Turner: She goes free.
Barbossa : You've only got one shot and we can't die.
Jack Sparrow: Don't do anything stupid!
Will Turner : You can't.
[points gun at his own throat]
Will Turner : I can!
Jack Sparrow : Like that.
Barbossa : [talking to Will Turner] Who are you?
Jack Sparrow : No one. He's no one. Aunt's nephew's cousin twice removed on my mother's side. Lovely singing voice. Eunuch.
Will Turner :My name is Will Turner, my father was Bootstrap Bill Turner. His blood runs in my veins!
Ragetti : Why, it's the spittin' image of our Bootstrap Bill!
Will Turner: And on my word, do as I say, or I will pull the trigger and be lost forever in Davy Jones's locker!

{At gunpoint, Jack Sparrow forces Elizabeth Swann to reattach his sword and compass to his belt. She pulls the belt tight.]
Jack Sparrow : Easy on the goods, darling.

Barbossa : I want 50% of ye plunder!
Jack Sparrow : 15!
Jack Sparrow: 25!
Barbossa :[Considering]
Jack Sparrow: and I'll buy you the hat! A really BIG one....Commodore.

Red coats: Hey! You! Get away from there! You don't have permission to be aboard there, mate.
Jack Sparrow: I'm sorry. It's just... it's such a pretty boat
[correcting himself]
Jack Sparrow: ship.

Pintel : Down to the depths with them that thought o' 'parley'.
Jack Sparrow:: That would be the French.

Jack Sparrow : Apparently, there's a leak...

Jack Sparrow : That's what a ship is, you know. It's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails; That's what the ship needs. But what a ship is...what the black pearl really is, is freedom.

Pintel: It was only after that, did we find out that it was Bootstrap's blood we needed.
Ragetti: Now that's what you call ironic.


segunda-feira, outubro 06, 2003

:: O que vem por aí ::

STAR WARS em desenho!!!

Cartoon Network has released character images for Star Wars: Clone Wars, a series of 20 animated shorts that will air beginning Nov. 7 at 8 p.m.

Star Wars: Clone Wars continues the saga where the live action feature film Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones left off – at the beginning of the Clone Wars, an epic civil war that pits the old Republic against a vast separatist movement led by the forces of evil.

Each episodic short will be two- to three-minutes in length and will air exclusively on Cartoon Network at regularly scheduled times during the network’s regular programming. Clone Wars will be produced at Cartoon Network Studios by a team led by Genndy Tartakovsky, the creator of Samurai Jack and Dexter’s Laboratory.

As Clone Wars unfolds the valiant Jedi Knights lead the Republic’s Clone Army against many new and ruthless adversaries across the galaxy. These new characters, epic battles and intricate stories will add an exciting new dimension to the Star Wars saga.


:: Saudosismo ::

AtariAge - 2003 Oklahoma Gaming Expo: "The Oklahoma Gaming Expo was held September 20th, 2003, in Tulsa, Oklahoma. In the show's first year, gamers gathered from all over Oklahoma to play, buy, sell and trade video games of all types! AtariAge was at the show with several game systems setup to play and a large assortment of homebrew and other games available for purchase. And of course, we were armed with a camera so we could get photos of the event!"


quinta-feira, outubro 02, 2003

:: Fotos do Harry, Harry, Harry ::

DANIEL RADCLIFFE as Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) encounters the Knight Bus and its conductor Stan Shunpike (Lee Ingleby).

Hermione Granger (Emma Watson), points her wand at Draco Malfoy (Tom Felton), as Vincente Crabbe (Jamie Waylett) and another Slytherin wizard (Bronson Webb) look on.

Professor McGonagall (Dame Maggie Smith) addresses Harry Potter as Hermione and Ron Weasley (Rupert Grint) look on.

E, pra fechar, tem essa foto dramática do que deve ser um patrono:

Pena que só no ano que vem! RAIOS! RAIOS DUPLOS!!!

:: O que o Prisoneiro de Azkaban e o Conde Drácula têm em comum??? ::

Para quem não sabe, o papel do Sirius Black será feito pelo Gary Oldman, um cara pra lá de sinistro!

Ele foi o Conde Drácula, na nova versão do Francis Ford Coppola, Drácula de Bram Stoker, há uns 10 anos atrás. Lembram disso? Aliás, quem não viu, recomendo fortemente, é um filmaço!

E, pelo visto, ele tá conseguindo ficar ainda mais sinistro, he, he!!!

No fundo, eu estava torcendo para que escolhessem o Daniel Day-Lewis! Mas foi uma bela escolha anyway!

Ah, e de quebra, tem o David Thewlis como Remo Lupin. Nada mal!
