segunda-feira, dezembro 29, 2003

:: Reflexões de um sujeito de férias ::

Olho pela janela e vejo a praia com aquele Sol de fim-de-tarde, me convidando para algumas horas do pleno exercício da vagabundagem...

Mas eu poderia ir treinar e cumprir a promessa que fiz ao Sensei...

Ou ir ao Shopping e terminar mnhas comprinhas de fim-de-ano...

Nossa, quantas dúvidas...

Acho que pensar no assunto... enquanto pego umas ondas, he, he...


sexta-feira, dezembro 19, 2003

:: Tá chegando, tá chegando!!! ::

:: Testes, Testes, Testes ::

Mirkwood Elf (Grey Elf) - You hail from the fair
realm of Mirkwood, ruled by King Thranduil, and
his son Legolas. You specialize in archery.

What kind of elf are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Legolas!

Which Lord of the Rings Elf Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


terça-feira, dezembro 16, 2003

:: O barquinho vai... ::


sexta-feira, dezembro 12, 2003

:: Prepare to be scanned ::


High-tech security systems that rely on detailed measurements of the human body, known as biometrics, are taking off. The question is whether they should be...

Biometrics: High-tech security systems that rely on detailed measurements of the human body, known as biometrics, are taking off. But should they be?

IT HAS been a long time coming. But after years of false starts, security systems based on biometrics—human characteristics such as faces, hand shapes and fingerprints—are finally taking off. Proponents have long argued that because biometrics cannot be forgotten, like a password, or lost or stolen, like a key or an identity card, they are an ideal way to control access to computer networks, airport service-areas and bank vaults.

But biometrics have not yet spread beyond such niche markets, for two main reasons. The first is the unease they can inspire among users. Many people would prefer not to have to submit their eyes for scanning in order to withdraw money from a cash dispenser. The second reason is cost: biometric systems are expensive compared with other security measures, such as passwords and personal identification numbers. So while biometrics may provide extra security, the costs currently outweigh the benefits in most cases.



segunda-feira, dezembro 08, 2003

:: Da série "Imperdíveis de 2004" ::


:: Da série "Imperdíveis de 2004" ::


:: Da série "Imperdíveis de 2004" ::


:: Da série "Imperdíveis de 2004" ::


:: Cylonios contra-atacam ::

Dica do Led: vai estrear no canal SCI-FI a nova série BATTLESTAR GALACTICA!!!

Olha aí uma foto do caça Viper, igualzinho ao da série original!

Aí, promete! Não é D+???

:: *Pobremas* Linguísticos ::

Meu colega espanhol, apesar de morar há uns 30 anos no Brasil, ainda tem uma certa *dificurdade* para falar nossos ditados populares, aqueles que usamos metaforicamente no dia-a-dia.

Eis aqui algumas pérolas hilariantes:

“Esse cara tá maluco. Ele tá colocando os bois na frente da carroça,!”

“Vamos ter contar com a sorte. É melhor entrelaçarmos os dedos!”

E a melhor de todas:

“O cara tá enrolando tudo! Ele tá botando chifre em cabeça de veado!!!”

He, he ,he…


segunda-feira, dezembro 01, 2003

:: Homem-Morcego no divan ::

COMICS 101 | Batman, Part 1: "I Shall Become a Bat": "The simplicity of Batman's origin can easily distract the reader from its psychological underpinnings. Sure, it sounds a little too pat and easy if you just blurt it out: “His parents were murdered by criminals, so he fights crime.” It's a bit of a genre cliché; now, but it certainly was not in 1939, which was only beginning to see the urbanization in American society that was leading to more common street crime. Moreover, it keenly taps into the primal fears and insecurities of children. To a child, there's not much scarier than the idea of abandonment, of your parents leaving you, or worse, being taken from you. The Batman's origin allowed its readers to directly identify with Bruce Wayne in a very real manner: Bruce Wayne is a frightened child, just as we all have been at one time or another. However, he masters that fear and uses it as a motivation to make his city a safer place, so that more children need not suffer as he did."
