Hoje, pela primeira vez, provei a tão comentada PEPSI TWIST!!!
Até que eu gostei... mas, depois da quinta latinha, comecei a ficar meio enjoado...
E, por falar nisso, sente só o que vem por aí...

(Original publication: May 8, 2002)
Pepsi-Cola North America wants young consumers to think blue, and drink blue. Pepsi-Cola North America plans to introduce Pepsi Blue, a blue-colored, berry-flavored extension of its trademark Pepsi this summer, executives dressed in blue shirts announced yesterday at the company's headquarters in Purchase. "It's going to be a winner," said Gary Rodkin, president and chief executive of Pepsi-Cola North America.
Pepsi Blue is the latest in a string of new carbonated beverages Pepsi-Cola North America has introduced in the past two years to boost lackluster cola sales. Other recent additions to Pepsi-Cola North America's line-up include Sierra Mist, Pepsi Twist and Mountain Dew Code Red.
Last year, carbonated soft drink sales in the United States increased just 0.5 percent, according to Beverage Marketing Corp. Pepsi-Cola North America's sales of carbonated soft drinks rose 1.3 percent, while its non-carbonated beverage sales increased 35 percent.
David Burwick, senior vice president of marketing for Pepsi-Cola North America's carbonated soft drink brands, said he hopes Pepsi Blue will do for trademark Pepsi what Mountain Dew Code Red has accomplished for Mountain Dew. Last year, sales of Mountain Dew climbed 6 percent.
The Coca-Cola Co. also has new carbonated soft drinks in the pipeline. It plans to begin selling its latest cola product, Vanilla Coke, May 15. It will hold a media event about the product in Connecticut today.
The new products reflect a strategy shift for these companies, said John D. Sicher, editor and publisher of Beverage Digest, an industry newsletter based in Bedford Hills.
During the past six to eight years, there has been strong growth in the non-carbonated beverage market, Sicher said. "I believe that's largely because that's where most of the news and new products were. Now we're seeing a change. In the last year, both Pepsi and Coke have begun innovating within their carbonated beverage portfolios," Sicher said.
"I believe both Pepsi Blue and Vanilla Coke are not just exciting new products, but represent a very important strategic development," Sicher said.
Pepsi-Cola North America is targeting teen-agers and people in their early 20s with Pepsi Blue, which it calls a "berry cola fusion."
"Colas are not growing the way we'd like them to with youth and this is a way we think we can reinvigorate that category," Burwick said. "In essence, what we're doing is segmenting the market more finely than we ever have before," he said.
Pepsi-Cola North America began developing what became Pepsi Blue about nine months ago. It interviewed thousands of teen-agers to pinpoint a color and flavor for a new carbonated soft drink.
"Basically, what teens have told us is they love cola but they want to find new ways in which to experience cola," Burwick said.
Pepsi Blue has the same amount of caffeine and essentially the same ingredients as trademark Pepsi. It has berry flavoring, slightly higher carbonation level and slightly less sweetener than Pepsi, said Christine Sisler, Pepsi-Cola North America's senior manager for cola product development.
Pepsi Blue's marketing strategy is modeled after Mountain Dew Code Red, which was informally introduced to generate buzz among consumers before it was introduced nationally.
"It's pretty early in the stages, but we will be using music and really connecting with teens across the country at key events," said Katie Lacey, Pepsi-Cola North America's vice president of cola marketing.
Cor maneira... Visual futurista... mas o que interessa mesmo é: quando chega por essas bandas? E mais: será que pega??? Bom, há vários anos vêm surgindo uma penca de beberragens que adicionam novos sabores aos refrigerantes já tradicionais. Mas, na verdade, pouquíssimos conseguiram cair no gosto da galera. Quem lembra da Cherry Coke sabe do que estou falando.
Bom, de qualquer forma, só tem um jeito de descobrir...
Mas, pelo menos, vai parecer que a gente tá bebendo cerveja romulana!!!
Agora, na boa, esse papinho marketeiro do artigo aí de cima é de phuuuddêêêêê!!!
Até que eu gostei... mas, depois da quinta latinha, comecei a ficar meio enjoado...
E, por falar nisso, sente só o que vem por aí...

(Original publication: May 8, 2002)
Pepsi-Cola North America wants young consumers to think blue, and drink blue. Pepsi-Cola North America plans to introduce Pepsi Blue, a blue-colored, berry-flavored extension of its trademark Pepsi this summer, executives dressed in blue shirts announced yesterday at the company's headquarters in Purchase. "It's going to be a winner," said Gary Rodkin, president and chief executive of Pepsi-Cola North America.
Pepsi Blue is the latest in a string of new carbonated beverages Pepsi-Cola North America has introduced in the past two years to boost lackluster cola sales. Other recent additions to Pepsi-Cola North America's line-up include Sierra Mist, Pepsi Twist and Mountain Dew Code Red.
Last year, carbonated soft drink sales in the United States increased just 0.5 percent, according to Beverage Marketing Corp. Pepsi-Cola North America's sales of carbonated soft drinks rose 1.3 percent, while its non-carbonated beverage sales increased 35 percent.
David Burwick, senior vice president of marketing for Pepsi-Cola North America's carbonated soft drink brands, said he hopes Pepsi Blue will do for trademark Pepsi what Mountain Dew Code Red has accomplished for Mountain Dew. Last year, sales of Mountain Dew climbed 6 percent.
The Coca-Cola Co. also has new carbonated soft drinks in the pipeline. It plans to begin selling its latest cola product, Vanilla Coke, May 15. It will hold a media event about the product in Connecticut today.
The new products reflect a strategy shift for these companies, said John D. Sicher, editor and publisher of Beverage Digest, an industry newsletter based in Bedford Hills.
During the past six to eight years, there has been strong growth in the non-carbonated beverage market, Sicher said. "I believe that's largely because that's where most of the news and new products were. Now we're seeing a change. In the last year, both Pepsi and Coke have begun innovating within their carbonated beverage portfolios," Sicher said.
"I believe both Pepsi Blue and Vanilla Coke are not just exciting new products, but represent a very important strategic development," Sicher said.
Pepsi-Cola North America is targeting teen-agers and people in their early 20s with Pepsi Blue, which it calls a "berry cola fusion."
"Colas are not growing the way we'd like them to with youth and this is a way we think we can reinvigorate that category," Burwick said. "In essence, what we're doing is segmenting the market more finely than we ever have before," he said.
Pepsi-Cola North America began developing what became Pepsi Blue about nine months ago. It interviewed thousands of teen-agers to pinpoint a color and flavor for a new carbonated soft drink.
"Basically, what teens have told us is they love cola but they want to find new ways in which to experience cola," Burwick said.
Pepsi Blue has the same amount of caffeine and essentially the same ingredients as trademark Pepsi. It has berry flavoring, slightly higher carbonation level and slightly less sweetener than Pepsi, said Christine Sisler, Pepsi-Cola North America's senior manager for cola product development.
Pepsi Blue's marketing strategy is modeled after Mountain Dew Code Red, which was informally introduced to generate buzz among consumers before it was introduced nationally.
"It's pretty early in the stages, but we will be using music and really connecting with teens across the country at key events," said Katie Lacey, Pepsi-Cola North America's vice president of cola marketing.
Cor maneira... Visual futurista... mas o que interessa mesmo é: quando chega por essas bandas? E mais: será que pega??? Bom, há vários anos vêm surgindo uma penca de beberragens que adicionam novos sabores aos refrigerantes já tradicionais. Mas, na verdade, pouquíssimos conseguiram cair no gosto da galera. Quem lembra da Cherry Coke sabe do que estou falando.
Bom, de qualquer forma, só tem um jeito de descobrir...
Mas, pelo menos, vai parecer que a gente tá bebendo cerveja romulana!!!
Agora, na boa, esse papinho marketeiro do artigo aí de cima é de phuuuddêêêêê!!!
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